Youth Volunteering at The Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre

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The Youth Volunteer Program at the Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre hopes to engage and support young people in the Cowichan Valley while sharing an appreciation of Maritime Heritage and Culture as it relates to Cowichan Bay

What Will Youth Volunteering Look Like?

Youth can choose to volunteer in many different capacities depending on what interests them and where they feel they fit. Some possibilities of regular volunteer jobs are Tour Guide, Camp Helper, Shop/Woodworking, and Meet and Greet/ Guest Services. We want to meet participants goals and passions by offering supported/mentorship opportunities and opportunities to do projects related to areas youth are passionate about (graphic design, photography, art, inclusion, writing, etc.) to enhance the Centre!

We will meet regularly to find ways to support youth in their volunteering, share ideas, and to help support youth with their volunteer projects.

We will also have fun optional meetings where we can discuss volunteering and the center and provide youth with training, workshops and other development opportunities they may be interested in.

How will Volunteering Benefit Youth?

•the opportunity to participate in meaningful and rewarding projects, activities and programs that help better your community

•A great way to get relevant experience for a Resume + College CV + Scholarship Applications

•We can write you a letter of reference highlighting your skills and accomplishments for future employers

• Documented volunteer hours with a certificate of proof for every 80hrs of volunteering

•Potentially use hours to get course credit (independent Study, Capstone, Etc.)

•Learn a new things and make connections in your community

•Have lots of fun and connect other like-minded youth in our community

Contact with any questions or to Join the Youth Volunteering Team at the Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre