THE CWBS takes part in the victoria classic boat show

By Don Fiel

The Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre was well represented again this year at the Victoria Classic Boat Festival held in the Inner Harbor during the Labor Day weekend. Our 22’ cutter, Zachary Mudge, and three of our member vessels were prominently displayed and viewed by hundreds of visitors during the long weekend event.

Society President, George Karras, towed our eight oars /ailing cutter, Zachary Mudge, to Victoria with his sturdy liveaboard, Falcon Rock. Bob and Kevin Fulton displayed their classic cutter, Halcyon, and Mike Webb showcased his flawless 17’ runabout, Haven.

Our cutter, named after Zachary Mudge, is a 22’ replica of one of the survey boats carried on George Vancouver’s ships, the Discovery and Chatham, during their voyage to the Pacific Northwest from 1792 – 1795. The large ships, with limited maneuverability, anchored at the north end of the Strait of Georgia while the smaller boats were dispatched to survey the narrow, winding channels of the Inside Passage. Lieutenants Zachary Mudge, Peter Puget, Joseph Whidbey and botanist Alexander Menzies, familiar names in the Salish Sea, were also on board. Mudge and Puget became high ranking admirals in the British Navy. CWBS member, Ingrid Schechter, delighted groups of visitors by guiding them for a row around the harbor.

Twenty-five years ago, George Karras took ownership of Falcon Rock, a 51’ former Fisheries and Oceans patrol boat, and began renovations to make it his home.  A retired Master Mariner, George has sailed worldwide and has intimate knowledge of the Pacific Northwest, including solo circumnavigations of Vancouver Island and a six-week solo voyage to Haida Gwaii this past summer.

Bob and Kevin Fulton have spent five years painstakingly restoring their 35’ pilot house cutter, Halcyon, and were honored to be accepted for display at this year’s festival. An Ed Monk design, Halcyon was built in Victoria in 1948. Bob and Kevin have spent hundreds of hours restoring her to Bristol condition.

Over a period of five years our lead boat building instructor, Mike Webb, meticulously crafted his beautiful 1950s inspired runabout, Haven. On exhibit for the fourth year, Haven was named Best Runabout at the 2023 festival.

We were all impressed and grateful for the level of interest and enthusiasm shown by visitors during the three-day festival.